Learn about gestational diabetes causes, signs, symptoms, treatment and more.

How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes on Pregnant Women

How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes on Pregnant Women. Many people ask about how to prevent gestational diabetes so they can have a healthy pregnancy and delivery, but basically; gestational diabetes can occur to anybody. All women have glucose intolerance on their body, when they are pregnant; their hormonal level will change that lead to gestational diabetes. It is not a dangerous illness, because women tend to recover from gestational diabetes after they gave birth to their baby or when their hormonal level comes to normal. Even though the illness is not considered as a dangerous one, women still need to pay attention about their nutrition consumption; so it won’t give any unpleasant effect to baby and their personal health.

Gestational Diabetes Pregnancy

Can gestational diabetes cause compilation?

Even though gestational diabetes can be treated with insulin, but if the mother can’t maintain healthy life style; it might lead to severe effect. Gestational diabetes might cause miscarried to mother who can’t control their diabetes level, it will also give direct effect to baby’s organ such as heart and brain. When the mother is suffering over nutrition, it also increases the weight of the infant within her body; it will make her delivery harder.

Even though gestational diabetes might give direct effect to the infant’s growth; but basically, a mother who suffers gestational diabetes can give birth to a healthy baby. A mother who has a diabetes history has opportunity to have a normal delivery as long as they take their insulin to control their sugar level.

What are the systems of gestational diabetes?

Usually a mother who is suffering gestational diabetes tends to have body mass index around 30 or more. A mother who had diabetes history in her family or gave birth to a large baby is also has a higher risk in getting gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is followed with tiredness, dryness around the mouth, thirsty, wee, infection and blurred vision. If the following symptoms occur, you might need to consult your condition with your doctor to get specific treatment.

How to prevent gestational diabetes

To prevent yourself from gestational diabetes is not difficult, you only need to maintain a healthy life style every day by consuming a large amount of healthy food and avoiding natural sweet or other sweetener. You also need to pay attention to your portion, cutting your carbohydrate consumption is not recommended for a pregnant mother; but try to avoid consuming two different types of carbohydrates at the same time. Adding fibers inform of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains food will also reduce your risk to 26%.

To keep your body active by conducting exercise is also preferable, you can do moderate exercise such as daily walk, ride, and swim for 30 minutes to improve your health. You can also lessen your risk by reducing your body weigh before your pregnancy, but never try to do strict diet when you are bearing a chill within your body; because it will give less nutrition to the infant. Rather than skipping your meals, you are encouraged to change your eating habit; because it will give benefit for a long term period.

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