Gestational Diabetes Food List. It is important to keep your body healthy and glucose level stays at normal range because it might affect your baby. It will have weight more than 9 pounds after you give a birth. So after being diagnosed having gestational diabetes, all you need is treatment.
Treatment for Gestational Diabetes Women
First, all you need is to take care and watch your baby frequently by fetal monitoring. Another way to check your baby’s health is by doing non-stress test. It is very simple and painless for both you and the baby. The doctor or medical officer will place an electrical fetal monitor on your abdomen. The purpose is to hear and show the baby’s heartbeat. Usually the care provider will facilitate you to compare your baby’s heartbeat pattern in order to know how well your baby is doing.
Second, you need to exercise and have healthy lifestyle. In this term, you need be able to read food labels before buying them. Also, improve your diet by doing these steps:
- Balanced fat and protein
- Have complex carbohydrates such as whole grain, pasta, cereal, and oatmeal. Since carbohydrates produces glucose, make sure you get the glucose from natural food such as fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid soft drinks or any food that have too much sugar.
When it comes to diabetes, choosing does matter. No matter what happen, your body will always need carbohydrates since the glucose will keep you energized. People with no diabetes history usually drink sweet drinks to help them energized, but diabetic people? We do not recommend it at all. So, here are gestational diabetes food list for you:
1. Best choices:
a. Whole grain flours, in case you would like to bake.
b. Red rice, black rice, and brown rice.
They are much better rather than white rice because these three types of rice contain complex carbohydrate. In addition, the high-fiber makes your stomach feel full in longer time.
c. Cereals
It must contain whole grain ingredients and has high-fiber. You can add low calories sugar or fat free sugar to avoid boredom consuming cereals.
d. Whole grain bread
This food is also considered for those who are on their weight loss program and want to have healthy lifestyle. You can mix whole grain bread with fruits or scramble eggs. You can also have it over midnight when you are hungry.
e. Baked sweet potato
The sweet flavor comes from the potato itself and we do not recommend you to have fried potato.
f. Corn products
Everything made from corn is good as long as it doesn’t contain artificial sugar or too much sugar.
2. Worst choice:
a. White flour
They contain too much sugar and simple carbohydrate
b. White rice
Again, it does contain high and simple carbohydrate which result to produce high glucose
c. French fries
Totally not recommend it unless they are homemade
d. Processed cereals
There are two types of cereals, natural and processed one. Usually when the cereal is natural, you need to add something more to make it more delicious. While the processed one, it is considered as instant cereal and you just need to pour hot water.
That is all for gestational diabetes food list. We hope it will be helpful for you as a mother.
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