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How to Avoid Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy

Pregnant women need to know how to avoid gestational diabetes during pregnancy that mostly occurs when women get pregnant. A gestational diabetic is not a diabetic that pregnant but the condition when diabetic is diagnosed and occur in pregnancy and potential to lead into diabetic type 2 in the future. The first thing that you need to understand that there are no entire gestational diabetic is able to avoid, but you are able to prevent and avoid the high risk in getting gestational diabetes when you are pregnancy. The step one that you can do for your preventive way to avoid gestational diabetic is by determine for your entire developing diabetic risk. Diabetic risk is very hereditary especially for type 2. When your family are having diabetic history, consult with your doctor and your family about the possibility and good recommendation to have better life and lower your risk. Diabetic type 2 and gestational is related with insulin resistance that can be causes by overweight. This can be your consideration when you are planning to pregnant; you are able to lower your risk by having normal weight at first before you are going pregnant.

How to avoid gestational diabetes during pregnancy
The next step is changing your habit become healthier life habit. When you are planning to pregnant, you need to change your eat habit with healthier eating habit. When you are recommended to have gestational diet in your pregnancy, it is better to focus on your food diet to make your blood glucose and always steady and low during the day. You need to avoid anything in white such as sugar, pasta, flour, potatoes and food from pasta. You can eat these items in small portion, but take it as your smallest food intake plate diet. Eat more protein such as from chicken and seafood that becomes the good protein source. Eat more dark vegetable such as broccoli and spinach that becomes good source for vegetarian diet. Take fruit and reduce for consume in fruit juice. This because fruit juice contain with additional sugar when you made it, and this can make you eat more sugar that you need to reduce.

The last step that will reduce your risk in gestational diabetes during pregnancy is by developed lighter exercise for your daily routine activity. When you are exercise, your blood glucose is drop and you need to control your blood glucose when you are exercise. To make your blood glucose steady along your day, you are need to eat in small portion but in frequent amount. Your body will release insulin that wills response into high blood sugar that occurs when you are eating. You can take for single 30 minute walk in your day in session that can make your day more motivated and healthier. Every step that you do when you are walking is increasing your healthy life level.  Make moderate activity that routine to do such as taking ride a bike, swimming or just walk is easier and simple to do with your family.

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Related : How to Avoid Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy


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