Learn about gestational diabetes causes, signs, symptoms, treatment and more.

Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy Symptoms

Gestational diabetes during pregnancy is dangerous because it can harm your pregnancy and your baby’s health. Similar to other types of diabetes, gestational diabetes causes high blood glucose level. In fact, if your blood glucose level is high, it can promote other complications. Thus, it is important for expectant mothers to check their blood glucose level to find out whether they are suffering from this problem. If you happen to suffer from gestational diabetes, you need to get a treatment quickly as early treatment can prevent worse effects.

Gestational Diabetes during Pregnancy


Knowing the symptoms of an illness enables people to detect an illness earlier. The followings are some of common symptoms of gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Increasing thirst
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Blurred vision
  • Yeast infections
  • More frequent urination
Unfortunately, some women have unnoticeable symptoms. This means that the symptoms cannot be easily recognized. If this is your case, you are strongly advised to consult your doctor before getting pregnant. This will allow your doctor to check whether you have risks of gestational diabetes. If you have high risks, you will have a better chance to control your blood glucose as early as possible. In fact, the earlier the condition is treated, the healthier the pregnancy is. In this case, what you must understand is that gestational diabetes during pregnancy requires often medical checkups. You might need to meet your doctor once a week or as your doctor recommends. You might also need to meet other doctors in order to get more comprehensive treatment.

Risk Factors

Insulin resistance in late pregnancy is normal. However, if you are one of women who have these risk factors, you need to be careful.
  • Having a pre diabetes condition – If you have been diagnosed as having a pre diabetes condition before getting pregnant, you should be careful as you have a high risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Being overweight – Obesity is always connected with risks of type 2 diabetes.
  • Having a parent with type 2 diabetes – Children from a parent with type 2 diabetes have a higher risks than children from a parent without type 2 diabetes.
  • Having a history of gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy – If you are suffering from gestational diabetes in your previous pregnancy, you potentially will suffer from the same illness in your current or next pregnancy.
Treatment Options

Basically, pregnant women are not allowed to diet because dieting will affect the pregnancy and baby’s growth. In this case, treatment options for gestational diabetes sufferers include the changing on the way you eat and do exercises, diabetes medication and insulin shots. You are recommended to have a healthy meals plan that include all good foods. You will need to limit the intake of carbohydrate because this substance can increase the amount of glucose in blood significantly. Next, you need to do moderate exercises like walking in a regular basis because physical activities help body make a better use of insulin. Then, if your blood glucose level is too high, you might need medication or insulin shots. You just need to visit your doctor to find the best dosage for the medication and insulin.

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Related : Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy Symptoms


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