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Diet for Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy

Diet for Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy
Diet for gestational diabetes during pregnancy is specially designed for patients or pregnant women who suffer GDM; the purpose of the meal plan is to improve the quality of life from the patients. Usually gestational diabetes will go away after the baby born, because the major cause of GDM is the change of hormonal level. When the mother gave birth to the baby, her hormonal level will eventually become normal which also reduce the risk of GDM; but patients who have a high level of blood glucose might need to practice gestational diabetes diet for everyday life. 

Controlling your carbohydrate consumption

Even though gestational diabetes is considered as a diet, but it does not mean that you need to make yourself starving or skipping the meal. You still need to consume your food 3 times a day including breakfast, lunch, supper, and also snacks; what you need to pay attention is the ingredients which are used in making the meal plan. Usually people tend to reduce the amount of carbohydrate during their diet, because it contains glucose which increases your sugar level. But if you are a mother who are expecting or giving birth to a baby, you don’t need to cut down your carbohydrate; because you need more glucose compare to normal people. You are encouraged to eat carbohydrate or any other food that contain natural contamination of glucose such as bread, pasta, bake potato or sweet potato, beans, fruit, and milk. Try to avoid any types of food which contains a large amount of glucose such as cakes, biscuit, soft drink and juice. If you are suffering a high blood sugar even though you are consuming a small amount of carbohydrate for daily basis; you might need to ask for insulin to your doctor.

Avoiding unhealthy Fat

Even though fat does not directly influence your blood sugar level, but you still need to avoid consuming the fat for the period of time. Fat is proven to make the insulin which is injected to your body hardly work, it means that the fat will reduce its capability; so your sugar level will not be decreasing even after you take the insulin. It increases your body weight that makes your diabetes hardly managed; besides, it also causes hearth disease. It also influences the baby; consuming a large amount of fat is proven to accelerate your baby’s weigh and body.

Food that you need to be included on your gestational diabetes diet

During your gestational diabetes diet, you need to make sure to consume at least two portions of protein in everyday basis. Foods that contain calcium and iron are also important, usually you can get iron from meat, chicken, and fish; but if you are a vegetarian, you might need to consider consuming supplements. Vegetables and fruits are also need to be added to daily menu, fruits and vegetables are not only treated as the main course but also as snack. Almost all type of vegetables and fruits can be consumed for daily basis, it is its cooking method that you need to pay attention; try to reduce the amount of oil and margarine when you are cooking your meal.

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