Learn about gestational diabetes causes, signs, symptoms, treatment and more.

Gestational Diabetes Treatment at Home

Gestational Diabetes Treatment at Home. If you have gestational diabetes, then you are most determines whether you will have a healthy pregnancy. Your doctor or other health professional can help you learn how to take care of yourself and protect your baby from the problem. If you learn as much as you can about gestational diabetes, you will have the knowledge you need to have a healthy pregnancy.

When you understand how diet and exercise can affect your blood sugar, making it easier to control your blood sugar levels and prevent the problem of gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes treatment you can do at home, treatment of gestational diabetes include changing the way you eat, exercise regularly and your blood sugar tests.

Gestational diabetes treatment you can do at home includes:

Choosing Healthy Foods

You have to know what you should eat, when, and how much you eat so it can keep your blood sugar levels within the target range. You should consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian or other health professional to make a meal plan and to know your weight. He will teach you how to count carbs for your carbohydrate needs throughout the day.

Exercise Regularly

If you exercise regularly during pregnancy can help your body use insulin better, and also can help control your blood sugar levels. Perhaps, with regular exercise and eating can treat gestational diabetes. Perform light exercise at least 2½ hours a week or active for 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week.
If you have never exercised regularly or never exercised before pregnancy, consult your doctor before starting to exercise. Light exercise such as walking or swimming are very good for pregnant women. You may want to try to follow a special exercise classes for pregnant women.

Gestational Diabetes Treatment at Home
Blood Sugar Test

An important part of treating gestational diabetes is checking your blood sugar levels at home. Do a blood sugar test one or more times at home, you should do it every day. By doing tests, you can determine your blood sugar levels, whether in accordance with the target range. Talk with your doctor about how often to test your blood sugar.

If diet and exercise you can keep your blood sugar in the target range, you do not need to use a diabetes drug. If you experience sweating, blurred vision, and confusion, it signifies the symptoms of low blood sugar. If you think your blood sugar is low, stop exercising, check your blood sugar levels, eat snacks and talk with your doctor.

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