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Gestational Diabetes Meal Plan

Gestational Diabetes Meal Plan
Gestational diabetes meal plan is appropriate for pregnant women who are expecting the baby, because most of women are suffering gestational diabetes as a result of their hormonal change. Conducting a diet to take care of your gestational diabetes is needed to improve the health of both mother and her infant; because when the mother who is infected by an illness will also give an effect to her baby.

Creating gestational diabetes meal plan

In designing the meal plan for gestational diabetes diet, you need to make sure to include both carbohydrate and protein to your daily basis. You don’t have to cut the meals, because you need to consume balance nutrition during your pregnancy. Carbohydrate is need to be added on your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 3 portion of snacks; protein is need to be consumed at least two portion for a day. The amount of carbohydrate that you need to consume for breakfast is around 30-45gr, while lunch and supper are around 45-60gr; your daily snacks need to contained carbohydrate around 15-30gr.

For breakfast, you are encouraged to eat a small amount of food, it would be preferable if you are choosing a whole grains food.  Fruit and juice need to be avoided for your breakfast; juice tends to have more glucose compare to carbohydrate; so does fruit and cereal. For your lunch menu, tries to include carbohydrate, protein, and fruit on your lunch set. The amount of protein that you need to consume on your supper need to be lessen than your lunch set, but you don’t need to reduce the amount of fruit and vegetable.

Pay attention on your carbohydrate consumption

Even though you don’t really need to cut the amount of carbohydrate during gestational diabetes diets, but you still need to pay attention in choosing your meal plan. Some of the vegetables are containing carbohydrate; you need to avoid combining vegetables which contain carbohydrates to your meal set; so you don’t consumed two portion of carbohydrate at the same time.

Completing your meal set

Your meal set need to contain carbohydrate, protein, vegetables, fruits and fat to create balance nutritional meal for both baby and mother. You can choose carbohydrate from bean, corn, peas, potato and yams; do not combine two different types of carbohydrates at the same time. There are various types of vegetables that you can consume including asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, greens, eggplant and many more. At least a patient who are doing gestational diabetes diets need to consume at least 4 portions of vegetables on their daily basis. Protein can be taken from animal or plant, usually protein which is taken from animal contains more fat compare to the plant based protein. If you prefer to have animal based protein, you might need to reduce the amount of fat which contains in other ingredients. But if you are a vegetarian, you can add the number of fat to your daily meal by consuming more peanuts, seeds and avocado. Fat has ability to control your hunger, but consuming too much fat will affect the work of your insulin injection.

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