What Happens When You Have Gestational Diabetes. It is sure that when a woman is pregnant, she will try to make sure that they are in a healthy condition so the baby will be in health condition as well. In fact, the condition of the baby will be influenced a lot by the condition of its mother. That is why pregnant woman really has to pay attention greatly to their health. Pregnant women surely do not want to find any health condition which can affect the baby. Some women will think that their baby will be okay once the first trimester is passed through. Nevertheless, there are some health conditions of pregnant mother, which is identified far after the most sensitive period of pregnancy. For example, pregnant mother can be tested that they have gestational diabetes during 24th and 28th weeks of the pregnancy.
Having the gestational diabetes sounds like a nightmare for many pregnant women because they worry that this condition can cause bad effect to the baby grows. After finding out that they have this health condition, there is no question that they have to make specific changes to their lifestyle. They have to pay attention about the way they eat and their physical exercise. It is necessary for keeping the blood sugar level within the target range after all. With more hormones, which are produced during the pregnancy, it will be more difficult for controlling the blood sugar level. Sometimes changing lifestyle only is not enough and they have to take the medicine for diabetes or even insulin shots. One thing for sure, if they are able to control their blood sugar, pregnant women with gestational diabetes is still able to give birth to the healthy baby. They do not have to worry about his health condition, but of course they still know more about things which can happen to their body if they have gestational diabetes.
If pregnant women have gestational diabetes, it is possible that they will also have high blood pressure problem which is caused by preeclampsia.
(Read : Gestational Diabetes Risk For Baby)
Large size of the baby can cause difficulty or even injury during the vaginal birth. That is why C-section sometimes will be needed for baby delivery. The born baby, maybe will have the blood sugar level, which can drop at very low level so that the baby will need extra sugar intake. Other problems can be experienced by the baby, including over production of red blood cells, high level of bilirubin, and low level of blood calcium. However, there is no need to worry because these conditions are treatable. Mother does not have to worry because the most cases of gestational diabetes will disappear after the labor. Nevertheless, they still have a bigger opportunity for having the same problem with the next pregnancy. It is also possible for them to develop the type 2 diabetes so it is necessary to keep the healthy lifestyle after the birth.
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