Learn about gestational diabetes causes, signs, symptoms, treatment and more.

High Risk Factors For Gestational Diabetes

High Risk Factors For Gestational Diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that is experienced by women during pregnancy, this condition can be determined with high levels of glucose in the blood during pregnancy. Based on research, gestational diabetes affects about 4% of pregnant women worldwide and between 2 to 5 percent of pregnant women in the United States.

Every woman can develop gestational diabetes, but some women have a greater risk. High risk factors for gestational diabetes include:

Pregnant women are overweight or obese before pregnancy are at increased risk for developing insulin resistance and high blood sugar, which can lead to gestational diabetes. Significantly overweight with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher.

Having gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy.
You've had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy, also had large babies weighing 4.5kg or more. It also can cause a woman has gestational diabetes in subsequent pregnancies.

Have a family history of diabetes.
Pregnant women have a higher risk of gestational diabetes if a family member has diabetes, it can be mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, etc.

Of a particular ethnic group.
An ethnic group may also increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes. This condition usually occurs in the following ethnic groups: Mexican-American, American Indian, African-American, Hispanic / Latino, as well as individuals from Asia, India, or other Pacific islands.

High blood sugar before pregnancy.
If your blood sugar levels are higher than normal before pregnancy, this condition is also at risk of developing gestational diabetes.
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Age over 30 years while pregnant.
Women aged more than 30 years during pregnancy are more at risk of gestational diabetes. It is seen that women over the age of 30 are more prone to gestational diabetes, as compared with younger women. This can be attributed to the fact that the possibility of diabetes increases with age.

Pregnant women often have never experienced symptoms of gestational diabetes. However, gestational diabetes can be detected through screening measures that simple. Once discovered, gestational diabetes can be treated. Knowing the risk for gestational diabetes can help you make better decisions about diet and exercise before and during pregnancy.

Read : Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes

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